Sunday, June 21, 2009


Well finally I am able to post something! It’s been an interesting few weeks but God is so good. We were on a trip with our church for 2 weeks and Mandy and I have been with Wes and Laurie the past week. We have experienced water cuts, power cuts, and very limited internet access. I’ve only been able to get on a couple of times and each time was very short. God has shown me and taught me so much – I don’t really know where to begin!

Overall the trip and guiding went great! There were a few problems and difficulties but God reminded me over and over again how faithful and awesome he is. The crew for this trip was Shelton, Andrew, and me. Mandy and I along with the boys left Harare, Zimbabwe with the truck and planned to arrive in Lusaka, Zambia late that afternoon or early that evening. We did not arrive in Lusaka until around 36 hours later – only a short time before the team arrived. We had trouble with the truck and trouble at the borders. It was a very interesting journey. So we were parked on the side of the road for around 7ish hours because of the truck and by the time we were on the road again the border was closed. So we had to stay at a motel right outside the border. There was no other option for food or lodging other than this place for miles and miles. So we had to stay at this dodgy motel. Mandy and I stayed in one room and Shelton and Andrew stayed in another. We were afraid but God took care of us! He kept us safe. We had a delicious meal at the restaurant in the motel and our room had a television and a shower. It was such a battle for me internally because I was sitting there in the truck for hours – nothing to do really but think and pray about what was happening. I knew God was up to something and it was all going to work out, but it was such a struggle for me to give all of my worries and fears to Him. I wanted to so bad and I told Him that – but when I would try to let go, something inside me clenched up really tight. I really do not know how to explain it. I was afraid. I was afraid of what was going to happen – afraid of letting God take my troubles away. It’s so weird thinking about now – I should have instantly given it all to God but it was like on the inside I withdrew and I wanted nothing more than to just curl up in a little ball and wait for the worst to be over. I tell you all of this – not to worry, Maw-maw J, but to realize that I was worried and afraid but God took care of us. Everything worked out. I don’t know what all God was up to that day or the next but one thing he definitely was doing was teaching me to fully trust in him – and to have faith in him and only him.

The next day we had to hurry because we still had about four hours to drive to get to Lusaka, then buy groceries and prepare for the team. We were in line at the Zim border when it opened at 6am and did not leave the Zambia border until around 1pm. Yeah it was rough. Lines were long, papers didn’t add up quite right, and computers were down. Again it was another day of learning for me – learning to trust. It was amazing though how the four of us kept our spirits up. It was obvious we were confused, tired, hungry, and stinky (the water ran out before I got to take a shower, which was like the 4th or 5th day in a row for me), but we managed to stay in good, positive spirits with each other. God provided. We arrived in Lusaka a few hours before our team arrived – which gave us time to buy groceries for the week, put them away, and rest for about 20 minutes. That night the pressure sank in of guiding a group from my church. Originally I did not think it was going to bother me. I was so excited! I was excited to finally be there and work with people from our church. But that night the pressure hit and I was so anxious. Thoughts went through my head like, “What am I doing? I really do not know what I am doing!” So that night in the midst of my worries and anxieties I prayed really hard for God to give me comfort and strength because I desperately needed it! And he did. The next morning I was nervous but once breakfast was over and we had orientation with the team, I knew everything was going to be fine. That morning I felt God’s hand on me assuring me that everything was fine and that I was right where I was supposed to be.

Well the next several days were great. The ministry was great and I was experiencing an entirely different way of serving on a missions trip – by actually serving. Serving the team as opposed to spending time with the people which is what I am used to doing. My mission was to help provide the team with their needs so they can successfully go out and minister to the Tonga people. I enjoyed it. I learned so much! It really was an adjustment though because I am always one who interacts with the people. It was so weird to me in the beginning seeing the people there and not being able to spend time with them. So it definitely was different but it was really rewarding. Also it was a great learning experience all around for me. Shelton and I prepared the meals, the ‘bush showers’, and hot water every morning for coffee. We were the first every morning to be up and among the last few to go to bed. I cooked meat, veggies, and baked a cake in the ground. It was pretty awesome. My first trip as a guide was really great. Now I am more familiar with how things are done on trips and I am much more confident for the next one! I wanted to share these experiences because I wanted to share with you how God blessed me. My prayer life has definitely strengthened. It’s amazing to me how God lovingly takes our worries and fears away if we simply let go of them. He longs for us to turn to him, to need him, to delight in him. To rest in him. I am so grateful for that incredible truth! I shared one morning with the team Isaiah 40:28-31. These verses really comforted me through out the trip and they continue to do so now.

So after the team left we went back to Wes and Laurie’s home in Gwembe, Zambia, a few hours from Livingstone, and we were there for a little over a week. Since we have been there we’ve had water cuts and occasional power cuts that really make you appreciate what you have in America. The power cuts do not bother me as much but I imagine dealing with it longer than 10 days can get a bit old – especially when you have a house to keep up. And work to do. The water cuts have really made me appreciate and realize how much I take for granted back home. They’ve had no water the previous week so they had some stored in small and large containers. Preparing to take one bath is such a process! You carry a few containers to the bathroom and pour some into the tub while heating more on the stove (which takes a while with poor electricity) so the bath will not be freezing cold. I’ve never been in such an environment where water was so precious. It really makes you think.

On the more comfortable side of staying with Wes and Laurie, I am pretty sure I am gaining weight because that woman knows how to cook! Chocolate chip pancakes, homemade biscuits, chili, chicken soup, tacos, etc. They really spoiled us. Also we got to watch some movies and rest. It was wonderful. We’ve really been able to experience a typical week for missionaries and it has been great - even though there really is no such thing as a typical week for them. I have really felt at home with them. Eating chili and watching ‘Walker Texas Ranger’ really reminds me of home. :) Just to give you an idea of some things we did with them:

Tuesday – arrived at their house

Wednesday – prayer meeting

Thursday – travel to Synasongwe 2 hours away, bible studies in morning and afternoon

Friday thru Sunday –back in Lusaka because they had a meeting with other missionaries

Sunday – Gwembe church

Tuesday – ladies bible study, men bible study

Wednesday – travel to Synasongwe to prepare some things for next team

Thursday – bible studies in morning & afternoon in Synasongwe

Friday - drove back to Gwembe

Then Barry arrived Friday and we headed back here to Harare on Saturday. Those days do not seem very busy but for Wes and Laurie they were. Unpacking, cleaning, planning, preparing, re-packing, etc – all of these things while dealing with no water for cleaning, very little or sometimes no electricity, and very little internet. Oh and did I mention that Wes has had EIGHT flat tires in the past 4 weeks? EIGHT. Praise God he has kept Wes and Laurie safe and provided for them. I really enjoyed our time in Gwembe. One of the ladies in Laurie’s bible study is in a wedding this weekend and she taught Mandy and me a dance that they are doing there! It’s really cool I enjoyed learning it – even if a few kids were laughing at my lack of coordination and rhythm. :) It’s been wonderful. Too much to share in one blog post.

So we arrived back in Harare yesterday evening. This next week we will be working at the orphanages and preparing for our next trip! Mandy and I will be the guides along with Andrew, the driver from the previous trip. We are really excited! I am really excited and more confident now because I know what to expect. And this trip we will be cooking and preparing meals for around 25-30 people. Pray for us! :) Friday the 26th of June we will fly from Harare to Livingstone where the overland truck is. We will have plenty of time to get groceries and make sure everything is set up and ready to go. Randy’s team from Wynne, Arkansas will arrive Saturday the 27th. I cannot remember off the top of my head when Randy’s group is leaving but it’s sometime around the 5th of July. After that Mandy and I will ride back with the truck to Harare and we will remain in Zimbabwe for the rest of the month working at the orphanages. This is a really long blog post but I wanted to give you a little idea of what’s going on here with us. There is so much more I could share but I will another time. Thank you so much for praying for me. Please continue to do so! Remember, mom, right now I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I am in the palm of God’s hand and he is always with me every step of the way. Security is not found in the absence of danger but in the presence of Jesus Christ! I love you all. I hope this encourages you to take a risk, knowing God’s right there with you. Or just to spend some time with him. Spend some time with your Father today – your Creator who knows everything about you and wants you to rest in him.


  1. i'm so proud of you megan! you encourage me and bless me! i wish i was coming to see you all this week, but you'll have to accept randy instead! i know you will have a great time with the team from wynne, and they are gonna love you and mandy! thanks for sharing what all God is teaching you... it challenges me! i love and miss you girl! tell mandy hey! and i heard you ate lunch with my sweet friend marci! please give my love to her and her family as well!

  2. I am part of the Wynne team that is coming in a few days. I look forward to meeting you and serving with you (and eating your cooking!) I will be praying for you, that God will continue to do amazing things in and through you. It sounds like He's already started in a big way.

    All for Him,
    Cara Kay Copes

  3. I've been praying for you, but I must admit, the past week or so has been a struggle for me in my prayer life. Thanks for this post. It has been a reminder to me to put my lack of faith and/or laziness in God's hands. Thank you for taking the time to strengthen me even as I am supposed to be praying for you to be strengthened. By the way, I sure did enjoy reading Isaiah 40:28-31. I needed it this morning.
